Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Life is seriously beautiful.

It can be so hard to see through the sludge that the world throws at us sometimes; even day to day monotony can blur the vision of your soul. Sometimes that blindness can overtake you, and make you think that life isn't as wonderful as you once thought it was- but never believe that cunning little voice. 

Life is so much more wonderful than we could ever imagine. But sadly, some people go through the entirety of their life and never fully realize that. You're made for a purpose that is out of this world- literally! You were made from love for love, in a world created by Love itself. Every laugh, comfy chair, hug, ray of sunlight penetrating the stained glass windows in a beautiful church- experiencing these things is one of the ways in which the God of the Universe expresses His infinite and undying love for you. He gives you millions of flowers every day, and loves you through the people in your life. It's so easy to become critical and negative about the people God has given you, and everyone will, but it's so freeing to focus off of their flaws; because God loves us through every person we encounter, we should try so hard to love Him by loving them. 

Just a few short minutes ago, I was listening to some calming music, talking to one of my best friends with whom I haven't talked in a short while, sitting in a squishy chair, relaxing and thinking about my day tomorrow. Meeting two amazing sisters with MY sister for tea, school shopping, going to Mass with a pair of siblings I love with a big part of my heart... and all of a sudden, I was struck with an almost overwhelming feeling of happiness. I knew that God was and is so present, so active in my life- even when I don't realize it and when I'm having trouble trusting that He is. No matter what mood I'm in, how I look, how many friends I have, He loves me with every drop of his Blood; in understanding the fact that I will never grasp the breadth of His love, I was very humbled, but also filled to overflowing with a deep sense of joy, and I was filled with awe not only for my life but for LIFE. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to live, love, bleed, and die for us. Honestly, the thought that Jesus experienced life just like the rest of us is amazing; he can identify with teenagers and young adults, because he was one. When we feel like no one REALLY understands how we're feeling, he does. Not only because he's God, but because he lived this life, too. So wherever you're at, don't get caught up in whatever circumstances you're in- remember you're immeasurably loved, and that God finds YOU worthy to be a part of the gift of life- which is so overwhelmingly wonderful. 

I thought this was beautiful- not the exact quote, but I read something like this somewhere: 
"The cross turn thorns into roses."

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