Monday, September 2, 2013

School and Crossing the Delaware

SO- today was a really good day. I just got my first Chemistry and Economics assignments which are due on the first day of school-Monday; though I grumbled when I first saw the daunting list of reading assignments and questions and more reading with some MORE questions, I realized I'll be fine. The thing that was the most intimidating wasn't necessarily those assignments, but the reality that the schoolyear is looming. It's HERE. I start a three-day-a-week ballet routine tomorrow. Summer is fading with each passing day; another season over, another year steadily approaching its conclusion. Everything in life approaches an end- the seasons constantly change, we get older, time passes. That thought really scares me; our time on this earth is so short, when contrasted to eternity- I worry that I won't make the best choice I could when I'm faced with something really important, I worry that my life won't end up the way I always wanted it to, I worry that my relationship with God will never be as good as it should be- but amidst all this uncertainty, God's overwhelming mercy and unwavering love are right there. Even if I don't see it. Even if I doubt it's there. He is my anchor. He holds me to what is good and true and beautiful; and His power is so much bigger than my problems. Here's an awesome quote from St. Faustina:

Worry is useless. As Padre Pio said, "Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless." And when you don't worry, you're so FREEE!!!!! :) And even if the thought of the schoolyear (or whatever it is you might be worrying about) seems to big, too scary, too unknown for you to handle, remember God is bigger, He is more powerful, and he knows what we don't. Nothing is impossible for Him, even if it might seem like it is for us. 

Now, on a less... ah... deep note, I had some great fun with K Dawg playing around in the creek in the woods at my grandparent's house today.... I swiped the back of my jeans on something muddy and fungi-laden, sooo.... that resulted in some crazy happiness. Nah, it ain't that bad. I do hope it comes off in the wash though... Us two geniuses took some great videos that told the epic story of us, two tradesmen, crossing the Delaware river to find items to trade with the Indians in the Americas. Of course, we were in Michigan, but that wasn't PART of the Americas... it's only IN the Americas. Oh, and the only thing we ate for two whole stinking (no pun intended) weeks was wild skunk. Hopefully K Dawg will put the video on the Vortex (aka Facebook) real soonlike. Keep yer eyes peeled ;)

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