Thursday, September 5, 2013


Oh, people. I wish I could have taken a picture of it, taken a video, something- and I wish it could capture the beauty I saw today! But unfortunately that's quite impossible. This part of the year always stirs up a pleasant and overall happy disposition that's only unique to this time of year; an anticipation and thrilling sense of excitement that is awakened by the cool September breezes and the turning leaves. And today, as I was looking out the window while my friend was driving through town, I was beholden unto nature in all its glory. It was about 6:00, so the sun was just starting to go down in the sky... Gosh, it was seriously beautiful. It seemed like everything was glowing, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I didn't want to sit there with a dorky grin on my face, so I had to practice the art of inconspicuousness; but I was like, YAY! The season is changing, people, and I'm EXCITED. And once I saw the beauty in nature, I could see it in every passing pedestrian, and in every home we passed by; I could feel the love in the world, and it.was.awesome.

BRING ON FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Oh, and I got some Eiffel Tower earrings with two of my best friends and sisters that I'm quite excited about, in addition to the changing season... hard to see their full glory in this grainy and out-of-focus picture, but there it is. Okay, I'm going to bed. My contacts are DRY.

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