Friday, September 6, 2013

Dreams and Nectarines

   Oh, I'm sure you know this, but pray for the people in Syria... the whole situation down there. I don't know all the nitty gritty political details, but I know what I know, and it's very distressing. Pray for the feeblest, weakest, and least powerful souls down there- they need it. 
    People, people! My thoughts are all over the place! Lots of random and odd things have stirred up happiness in these youthful bones. First of all, I love nectarines. Last night made that love official. I was starved and weary after a long but rewarding day of doing homework, and I desperately needed something to eat. Of course, as soon as I opened the pantry and fridge doors, everything looked quite unappetizing; not like there wasn't anything in them, but what was inside really was not appealing to me. I was about to fling to fridge door closed when all of a sudden, what are my eyes blessed to be beholden unto but a tantalizingly reddish nectarine. All of a sudden, choruses of angels burst forth in the most breathtaking song, and my heart soared. I cut it up and ate it in about five seconds; let me tell you people, those were the best five seconds of that night. The very best. 

Okay, enough of the magnificent events of last night. Onto the duly  happenings of the night before last!

    If you recall, in this post I mentioned going shopping with two of my dearest compatriots; well, the poor things were also subject to me spending the night at their house. (You know I love you ;) Readers, I'm the kind of person who dreams in phases; I can go days, weeks, even MONTHS without remembering any of my dreams, or not having any at all: then there are some periods of time in which I dream much more than one should in a single night- I assume to compensate for dreams lost in the aforementioned barren phase. Then there are times where my dreams are fairly regular and remarkably strange. Two nights ago was one of those nights. This was my dream:
      I was at my delightful grandma's house with my family, and what I remember started with me standing in the hallway outside the upstairs bathroom. I was hacking incessantly! I seriously couldn't stop coughing, and it felt like something was lodged in my throat/chest area. It was really annoying and kind of painful, yet I still coughed. It seemed that my racking coughs would prove fruitless when all of a sudden the foreign body in my throat came up into my mouth!!!! I was like, what IS it?!? I was quite grossed out; as it sat there in my mouth, I evaluated the situation; it was biggish, hard, and had some things sticking out at both ends. "It's one of my vertebrae," I whispered to myself in a panic. I didn't know what to do! I went downstairs in a state of shock to my dad and the rest of my family in the kitchen. "Daddy-" I said, worriedly- "I think I just coughed up one of my vertebrae..." He kind of laughed, which bothered me- I was standing there with this thing in my mouth, and I was starting to feel queasy at the thought of what was in there. I took it out- it had some blood on it- and handed it to him. He took one look at it and laughed some more. "Well," he said, as he wiped it off and turned it right-side-up, "look at that! That's not a vertebrae!" I was flabbergasted. "It's a plastic pig!" He handed it to me, and I was awestruck. I had not indeed coughed up one of my vertebrae but a little plastic pig! (If you've ever played pig, you'll know what I'm talking about.)
(one of these little dudes)
And you know, the scary thing is, my dream really didn't seem that out of the ordinary at all until I explained it to Marcela... 
 Another random thing- I'm quite content doing my homework these past two days. It really is not bad at all! There sure is a lot of it, but it's interesting. Pandora is my best friend, followed closely by tea and my sweatpants. I call them my leg hugs, because they're like hugs for my legs, and I love them.

   ANOTHER thing- this was so weird. My parents and I were driving home from mass, and we were stopped behind this bus for a while- these two guys got off it, and one was wearing the average boring beige outfit, but had tied a bright red hoodie around his waist. I had this wild urge to start yelling "Vive la revolution! Vive la revolution!" at him. I associated his red hoodie with the red caps the patriots would wear during the French Revolution for some reason... overload of A Tale of Two Cities, I think. (Which of course, is the opposite of deplorable to me!) 
      Peace, people! Have a splendid evening :) 

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