Saturday, August 10, 2013

Music, Booklings, Muh Hair

        So as some of you know, I like Owl City- Adam Young's unique voice and electric music have rendered me a bit of a fan for a couple years now. By no means is he my favorite artist, but there was a time- oh, there was a time. I was a frequent visitor to the Owl City website, and kept up with all of the goings-on in his musical life. I phased out of that after a little while though, and for about a year now, Owl City has shifted out of the center of my music mind's eye.
     Just a short while ago, I was listening to music on Youtube. I finished a video, and some suggestions loaded- one of them caught my eye. It was Owl City singing "In Christ Alone." I listened to it, and it was beautiful.


    The video already has over 3,000,000 views and over 30,000 likes- I would encourage you to give it a listen and a like yourself! I would seriously love if he made more music like that. I mean, subject of the song aside, his voice sounds great, accompanied only by a piano. 

Okay, slight change of topic; I'm reading (as are many of you) a Tale of Two Cities for pre-school reading. (Not as in preschool- as in PRE-school ;) and it's been afflicting me like a disease. That's a good thing. I'm seriously in LOVE with this book! I can't put it down!!!! I stayed up until two fifteen the other night reading is, and was a complete blubbering mess by the time I forced myself to close it. Let's just say I love Sydney Carton. Call me crazy if you wish, I give you full license- and perhaps that opinion will change by the end of the book, I have absolutely no idea- but let me tell you, I love him. It's a really bittersweet thing though, and honestly maybe more than love I feel like the poor sap needs an AA sponsor and a hug. He's a total lost soul before he meets Lucie, and of course she can't have him... (AHHHHHH. That's when I was crying). And for as happy as I was when Darnay and Lucie got married, I was kind of sad. Not implying that I wanted her to marry Carton... you know, this is just so complicated. I seriously need to finish this book, not only because I need to read another one before school starts, but because I'll lose every ability to function if I don't, AND because I'm going to write a post about it when I'm done, (I hope) AND because as soon as I finish TTC and my other school reading, I can resume reading Anna Karenina! (That's another great piece of classic literature, birthed to the world by the most revered Leo Tolstoy... The movie version with Keira Knightly was wonderful, by the way. Just throwing that out there.)

Okay, well this is just so relevant, but for those of you with long flowing locks, the best deep conditioning thing I've ever used is Coconut oil. This stuff is seriously magical, and I could write an entire post on it's magical properties and uses, but I shan't. I shall only tell you that working about a teaspoon of this miracle through your hair in the shower and leaving it there for about five minutes before THOROUGHLY rinsing it out is a very very good idea. That's what I did this morning, and muh hair be smooth. Give it a try! 

Have a lovely day ;)

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