Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Some of my Favorite Things (Numero Due)

2. Stringed instruments.
I harbor a deep affection in my soul for stringed instruments. Can I play a stringed instrument? Absolutely not. But I do listen to others playing them! I have a special spot in my heart for the cello, though. Even if I never learn how to play it, I want to have one someday, so I can at least LOOK at it. There's quite a variety of the circumstances in which I listen to strings; there are the legendary classics, like Chopin's cello sonata, a lovely Bach prelude, the cello version of Lizst's Liebestraum, and perhaps my favorite being Rachmaninoff's cello sonata, Schubert's Ave Maria for strings, Dvorak's romance for piano and violin.... the list goes on and on. (Oh, and Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 :) Some of my favorite songs of the more contemporary era have some sort of strings incorporated into them- Lana del Rey, as I have mentioned before, has strings in lots of her songs, which I seriously LOVE. It adds so much depth to her songs, it's crazy.
    Here is Rachmaninoff's cello sonata (performed by Yo Yo Ma). This is a song I listen to in the after-midnight hours when I'm studying- everything is dark except for my lamp and my computer screen, it's usually cold enough to snuggle up in a blanket, I'm kind of stressed out, I'm concentrating, and wondering how I'm going to survive- and this song makes all my worries seem so distant, causes time to freeze, and for six minutes, it feels like I'm the only person on this earth; it's just me, Rachmaninoff's cello sonata, and the world. It's splendid :)
    So that was the classical example of wonderful string music; as for modern music that I love with strings? Heck, there's even a Depeche Mode song with them! It's called One Caress... the lyrics are pretty cheesy, but the music is awesome. Not really what you usually hear from Depeche Mode, either. And of course, there's the aforementioned LOVELY Lana del Rey- a multitude of her songs feature strings, including Blue Jeans and Carmen (two of my total favorites!) and the classic Video Games, to name just a few. Check em out, if you're a Lana fan! If you don't really go for her, I totally understand; not everyone does. But the music is seriously fantastic :)

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