Sunday, August 18, 2013

Some of my Favorite Things (Numero Tre)

3. My FAMILY!!!
 This should be number one, I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner.... but alas.
For those of you who don't know, my family is absolutely insane. And by insane, I mean literally. Let's see... my lovely sister who's two years older than me and about five inches shorter (yes, she absolutely LOVES that ;) and I do not communicate using normal language most of the time. Usually it goes like this: I go into the kitchen in the morning to observe my family eating breakfast and take a gander at the unappetizing cereal adorning the shelves of the pantry. (yes I hate cereal, and no I do not eat breakfast; I know, naughty me) I see my sister eating said cereal; I cringe. We make eye contact; I mutter "Neffie!" (I absolutely never call her by her real name, unless I'm mad OR sleep deprived.) And she'll usually make a strange guttural noise. This continues for as long as I chose to linger uselessly in the kitchen, and as we go about our lives during the day, communication between the two of us consists of about 40% of actual English speaking, and about 60% of deranged faces and gave woman noises.
   As for my parents, for the most part I quite appreciate their sense of humor. And their stellar use of electronics. My dad is totally fine, but my darling mother makes some great typos which are autocorrected to things of wondrous hilarity. For instance, just the other day she was texting my sister, telling her that my dad would pick her up from work and that he would bring me. This is what she meant to say: "Will bring BB too." Well, this is what my sister reads: "Will bring Bob too." Pretty funny, but the best part was when my mom was relaying this story to me and started laughing like the world was going to end tomorrow. Since that day, she has taken to calling me Bob, and I have taken to calling her Marley.
   Something about my dad... we have this awesome hug that the two of us do; since I'm only about two inches shorter than him, my poor neck is usually strained to high heaven, but still. Here's how it goes: my left arm is totally limp, and in one fluid motion he grabs it and flings it, in all it's limp  glory, into a hug. Trust me, this looks pretty hilarious when it happens. And it only works with my dad! No one else :D
   Since there's just four of us, we're all quite close; my sister and I are always together. When we were little, people would ask us all the time if we were twins; much to my sister's dismay, we would dress in matching or coordinating clothes for Mass and Christmas pictures, furthering people's assumptions that we were twins. Once we staged out of that, I started growing, so we were about the same height; ain't nothin' changed in the twin inquiries. Then I surpassed her, and we both started getting older, so now it's either, "so you're the graduate, right....?" at me, and my sister has to clarify from five inches below, poor thing =P but it's pretty funny, I have to say-people assume that I'm her and she's me so often that we both answer to each other's name by now. She's my little big sister, and I'm her big little sister :) She is one awesome young lady, people- when she leaves for college (THIS WEEK!!!!!!!) half of me will be gone :( But she shall continue to be in my prayers when she's not living at home anymore!!! I ask all of you to pray for her, if you remember; college is a big transition, and I shall miss her so :( And though one of the Fabulous Four Boyds will be gone, the Fabulous Four Boyds we shall always remain!

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