Sunday, August 11, 2013

Some of my Favorite Things (Numero uno)

Okay, so I'm going to, in a series of mini-posts, introduce to you a little listy of some of my absolute favorite things of all time. The below item on this list is a specimen of superior of awesomeness. Enjoy!

1. Roses. 
I love flowers of all kinds, but I have to say, my absolute favorites are roses- there's seriously nothing better than big, full, deep red ones. Not only are they terribly romantic, (and by romantic I mean in the authentic sense of the word.... if you know what I'm talking about, you'll know what I mean. Romantic in a kind of mysterious and alluring and beautiful way... hard to explain) but they're also terribly underrated. I mean that red roses so overrated that they don't get the appreciation they deserve most of the time. They've been reduced to being commonplace... oh, sinful. 
      I had an interesting experience with a red rose once... actually a whole bunch of them. It was at school one day; I had started a novena to St. Therese the day before, and I had heard that she sometimes gives actual roses to those who pray to her.... I thought that was AWESOME not only because a saint giving someone a rose is seriously mind-blowing, but because roses are my faves :) This rose-giving phenomenon was on my mind as I was taking out the trash for my end-of-the-schoolday job, and as I flung the trash bag swollen with used paper towels and other garbage paraphernalia into the dumpster, something bright and clean caught my eye- oh, rarity-! and I took a closer look. To my utter astonishment, there was a large cluster of strikingly beautiful and startlingly fresh red roses. Needless to say, my jaw was on the grass in an instant, and I grabbed one. Their aroma was in the air, even around the dumpster. To this day, the head of the rose is on my dresser; dried, but still perfectly bright red. I've dried other red roses, and none of them have retained the same brightness as my St. Therese rose :)

Enjoy your day, and eat some candy. 


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