Monday, December 3, 2012

HAIR WOES (and joys) and laying in the dirt

Well hello there, everybody =)
So, for once if someone asks me "what's new?" I'll have a somewhat interesting answer! Just last night at youth group, during "flashlight tag" (which my best friend and I mistakenly assumed was something like "stay hidden and avoid the flashlights at all costs") I ran smack dab into a burr bush. After freeing myself, my friend and I noticed that I had them all over my coat, so we removed them quickly and efficiently while running to our perfect hiding spot. Once we got to it, we laid flat on the ground, hoods on, alert for movement. Whenever anyone would come along, we would put our heads down, barely even breathing, fancying that this would be similar to what it was like hiding from a Nazi search party. We figured out that every time we heard the Youth Group director's distant voice counting "five, four, three, two, one" anyone who had a flashlight would go running back to the starting base and away from us, giving us a moment to raise our faces from the dirt and dead leaves upon which they rested. (In reality, this signified the end of the round where everyone had to run back to the starting base, but of course somehow we didn't quite have that part figured out as well as we thought we did.) So then a little while later, when we were getting cold and wet and I had a sneaking suspicion that not only was I laying next to a massive white fungus but my jeans were also getting dirtier and dirtier as the minutes rolled by ceaselessly, we heard footsteps fast approaching and my name being called-- this was another one of my friends, who is a bit of a prankster and usually always gets me to fall for things-- but because I and the friend I was hiding with were so proud that no one had been able to find us yet, we figured that it was a trick to lure us out of hiding so that we could be tagged. We were so onto that. So we stayed where we were, proud of our abilities of seemingly vanishing into the underbrush. After a little while more of laying in dirt and plant life, we heard the Youth Group director calling for us; then we figured that the game was probably over and people were heading back to the parish center. So we got up, brushed ourselves off, and started on our way. A huge black mud stain was on my new yellow jeans (I do hope it comes out in the wash...) and I had some lovely smudges on my face... luckily my friend remained untouched by the, ah... artistic hand of nature. She was spotless, and I was wrenching recently-discovered burrs out of my hair. When we got back to the parish center, everyone had these looks of "where on earth were you?!?" on their faces, and we were told that my dad along with a few others were sent to look for us, and that the game had been over for a little while already. Haaaaaa.... =P So I had to sit through an excellent talk looking like a bush-dwelling urchin, and hoping that I didn't smell as bad as I looked!
             Once I got home, I realized that there were a few more burrs in my hair; I took them out, thinking I had solved the problem with but a little pain-- nope. Not even close. Those hateful little balls of death were imbedded so deep into my hair (which was up in a bun, no less) that I could barely get the hair tie out! My mom had to cut one sorry little chunk of my hair that was utterly encasing one of those wretched seed pods, and she ended up soaking my hair and then dousing it in what seemed like half of my bottle of conditioner-- this enabled her to comb the burrs down a little bit so they weren't too close to my scalp. Then she grabbed the scissors, and before I knew it five inches of my curly locks were laying on the counter in front of me! It felt so weird! I was stunned for a few seconds there, but that was quickly replaced with a feeling of euphoric joy and freedom. My hair has been long for a while, and I had been thinking of cutting it for a few weeks now. So this was a welcome change :) I apologize to those of you who loved my long hair, I'll miss it too sometimes... but shoulder length might turn out to be alright!! So give me an honest vote when you see me; long or shorter? I still don't know which I prefer myself =P And that, friends, is the strange and unusual story of why I got a haircut.
Bonne journee <3


Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving =)

Well, I hope everyone had a really great Thanksgiving =) My day was great!! My mom, my sister, my grandma and I all united to form one stellar turkey-cooking team; I had the wondrous and thoroughly delightful job of stuffing the turkey. Yes, I crammed my BARE HAND into the cold, clammy, gaping body cavity of what was once a real live gobbling turkey. It was just thrilling. (=P) I also made rolls, which were delectable, and my mom and sister made mince meat pie (please excuse me while I go barf) and pumpkin pie, which was also wonderful and tasted like heaven. The turkey, which was dubbed Henry by my grandma, was tasted as good as it looked; AWESOME. But I must say, I filled up mostly on mashed potatoes and rolls. Like usual. =) Hahahaha I also tripped over the hem of my pajama pants and spilled half a bowl of melted butter all over the stairs.....  Yeah, I was cracking up =P

So, as break is sadly wrapping up, I've come to the realization that this Thanksgiving and Christmas is kind of bittersweet... it's the last holiday season I'll have living with my sister. :-( She's moving next year, and I know she'll come to visit and everything, but it's going to be different. I'm happy that she's going to start a new life for herself at college, with new friends, opportunities, and places, but I'm going to miss her so much!!! I think I'll really notice her absence in little ways... like when I set a place for her at the table and have to put it away, or go into her room to ask her if I can steal a pair of socks only to find that neither she nor her socks are there anymore. So as she prepares to head off to college and leave me as the ONLY child in the house, all I can do is treasure the time I have left with her!! (@Steph.... we still HAVE to do that distorted faces photoshoot...;-)

You know, there is SO much to be thankful for.... I know everyone says that all the time, but it's so true. Everything is wonderful; education, good friends, the Catholic Church, Shakespeare, and-- in the words of my ballet teacher's son (this was a loooong time ago)--windows! Hehehe cute, ain't it? But really. Everything is a blessing, and the hardships and the struggles are just a part of the perfect plan for our lives. So we must always live in thanksgiving, because there's so much to be thankful for....

Okay. Randomness (because I don't know what else to write about ;-) here's a fun word!!


 Isn't that awesome?!?!?! I have an affinity for rare and unusual words, so there's but a small taste of it =P And with that, I bid you all happy belated Thanksgiving, and bonne journee <3


Saturday, November 17, 2012



Well, here I am-- this is my attempt at a blog.... I hope it doesn't turn out too awfully disastrous. This isn't going to be a blog about anything in particular, except for what I find to be amusing, moving, sad, happy, hilarious, educational, and everything in between! (This could include just about anything, so watch out...) So prepare for music, videos, music videos, (=P) song lyrics, poems, quotes, pictures, recipes, and the like. Pardon me if my ramblings are uninteresting and dull, by the way, I do try to keep it under control, but I'm a bit of a talker, and I have a lot to say concerning just about everything. 
      Who I'm loving a LOT right now is.... my sister! She's one amazing person, and if you haven't had the chance to meet her, DO! and check out her fantabulously magnificent blog, =)    
     To start things off, I'm going to tell you a little bit about what's going on in my life right now; Frank Sinatra. Christmas music. CHRISTMAS. I know, I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but my sister brought home Christmas cd's of Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble from the library the other day, and LORDY am I in love with both of them, so what's a girl to do in this situation? CAVE IN. Yup. The deed is done, and now I'm in the Christmas mood! 
Some of the songs I've been listening to:

The Lord's prayer- Frank Sinatra

Ave Maria- Frank Sinatra
Sancta Maria- Andrea Bocelli
Lovers in Japan- Coldplay (not Christmas, mehehe)
You're Beautiful- James Blunt (ditto)
Ave Maria- Michael Buble
Silent Night- Michael Buble

...And what I'm reading right now:

Utopia- St. Thomas More
The Winter's Tale-- Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream- Shakespeare

Those are some suggestions, if there's a deep and burning need to listen to some good music, or read some good books. I always like suggestions myself, so feel free to bombard me with any at anytime ;-)

So now that I'm on Thanksgiving break, I'm looking for things to do.... I've thought of going to see Perks of Being a Wallflower and/or Argo... but you know, I really don't know what I'm going to do. I'll just have to play it by ear. Any AWESOME ideas of what one should do with a schedule-less week of bliss? 
Quick note, by the way, on the title and web address of this blog: If you've read the "about me" part, you'll see that "let the world slip" and "we shall ne'er be younger" is derived from one of my favorite Shakespeare quotes of all time; "Sit by my side, and let the world slip... we shall ne'er be younger" (Taming of the Shrew) This quote is especially beautiful to me, and it's a reminder to let things go, not to worry, be as carefree as you possibly can. The fact is that you will NEVER be younger than you are right now, so don't let time get away from you-- live each day like it's your first and your last. Love deep. Listen well. Speak intelligently. Turn the other cheek. Have FUN and try not to do things you'll regret; and if you do, then you do, and there's nothing you can do about it-- so deal with it as best you can, and talk about your joys more and your problems less. =) And that, friends, is what I believe this quote is telling the world.
Goodness gracious, this has turned into a rather long first post, hasn't it... Bless you for bearing with me! Bonne journee <3
